Barclays Commercial Banking Operations is a manufacturing division of the UK arm of one of the worlds largest banking groups. Employing over 1500 people and based across several on-shore and off-shore locations, this function provides services and support to several hundred thousand commercial banking clients including lending operations, cash management and a variety of other transactional services.

The PM team brought a fresh and engaging approach to the constant challenge of enhancing employee engagement. The results to date have been very positive and has generated a material and sustained focus on improving communication throughout our group.
Steve Allen – Head of Global Payments, Barclays Bank Plc
What did the client need?
Having been through considerable transformational change over recent years, this organisation has been enjoying an excellent internal reputation through its outstanding performance and achievement of key service goals. Whilst employee engagement scores have also been steadily improving, the leadership team has very high expectations of themselves and wanted to use their firm performance foundation as a basis for further improvement in this area.
How did it work
Over the course of 14 intensive 90-minute sessions, a Positive Momentum partner engaged with over 300 leaders and individual contributors from across the business, to acquire qualitative and anecdotal data to accompany the employee opinion scores already acquired. The information collected was collated and delivered in report format to the senior leadership team, who then worked with the Positive Momentum partner in improving both their collective and individual styles of working. This approach quickly extended to the leadership teams at the next level. Finally, the Positive Momentum partner returned some months later to re-run a series of sessions to establish where and what improvements had been made.
What did Positive Momentum do?
- Ran engaging and credible discovery workshops for over 300 people
- Produced a detailed report with key suggestions
- Coached the senior leadership team – collectively and individually
- Group coached each senior leadership team members team
- Re-ran sessions with over 300 people to establish progress and identify further opportunities for growth
What were the results?
Over the course of just a six-month period considerable positive changes were noted in the way that the senior leadership engaged with each other, their respective direct reports and their executive head. Noticed and appreciated at every level of the organisation these efforts have resulted in improved employee engagement scores as well as an improvement in key operational metrics.